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Medical Informatics

PIIM supports safer and more efficient healthcare through advanced clinical information visualization and technology systems.

PIIM researchers have been studying Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems as a long-term agenda. Our focus has been to locate, analyze, document, and begin engineering to correct deficiencies in these systems that prevent the most efficient patient care.

The PIIM team is currently engaged in this research along with partners from the government and commercial world. Our teams have selected key systems in use by the Department of Defense, Veterans Health Administration, Cerner, General Electric, and others for our intensive analysis.

To date, our work has compiled a comprehensive list of proprietary and open-source technologies of varying scale and deployment. In reviewing these systems, the PIIM visualization and engineering teams have assessed, documented, and developed modules that alleviate both patient and clinician pains in using traditional EMR systems.

PIIM's continuous study into EMR systems seeks to break through usability and technology constraints imposed by systems currently occupying the marketplace. Our goal is to set a new vision and deployment for comprehensive, historical patient understanding before, during, and after a patient's clinical visit.


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